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a parser for the ABC musical notation

Programmer's manual

1. Overview

  Figure 1 shows the general idea of a host application using the ABCp library.

fig. 1

  ABCp is an ANSI C library so it should be easy to statically link it to the host application. All C/C++ compilers will be able to do it and also many compiler for other languages offer this possibility.

  ABCp could also be compiled as a shared library opening it up to other languages.

2. Interaction with the library

  Figure 2 shows how the ABCp scanner reads the abc file and translate it in a sequence of tokens that the host program will handle.

fig. 2


  The sequence diagram in figure 3 should clarify the way the host application interacts with the library.

fig. 3

There is a rather important point to bear in mind. The ABCp scanner only deals with "token", it does not check the meaningfulness of the context in which they appear. For example "A-B" is reported as: "the note A, a tie, the note B". It's up to the host application to decide if this is interpretable in any way or is to be considered an error.

3. The scanner

As shown in the figure 3 above, the host application interfaces the library through a scanner object. There are two functions to create a scanner:

abcScanner *abcFileScanner(char *filename,unsigned long bufsize);

abcScanner *abcStringcanner(unsigned char *abctext, unsigned long bufsize);

The first one reads the music from a file, the second one from a text buffer.

4. An example

The following example shows a tipical usage of ABCp.

001: #include "abcp.h"
 002: int main(int argc,char **argv)
 003: {
 004:   abcScanner *s; unsigned short tok;
 005:   s = abcFileScanner(argv[1],0);
 006:   if (s != NULL) {
 007:     while ((tok = abcNextToken(s)) != T_EOF)
 008:       if (tok == T_NOTE)
 009:         printf("Note: %c%d\n",abcNote(s,pitch),abcNote(s,octave));
 010:   }
 011:   abcClose(s);
 012: }

The code above, creates a scanner and get tokens one at a time from the file whose name has been given as the first argument. For each note, its pitch and octave are printed. The file main.c in the distribution archive provide a complete example.

An effort has been made to keep an OO resemblance in the syntax. Would the above example be in C++, one would have read: s.NextToken() and s.Note.pitch (or something similar).

5. Tokens

The ABC file is read "token by token". The following functions will help dealing with tokens:

unsigned short abcNextToken(s) Reads a new token from the input and returns its code.
unsigned short abcToken(s) Returns the code of the current token
unsigned char *abcTokenStart(s) The beginning of the string that matched the token. Note that this is not a zero terminated string!
unsigned short abcTokenLength(s) The length of the matched string.

Note that abcTokenStart(s) does not return a pointer to a zero terminated string! If you are really interested in the string itself you should copy it in a local buffer using, for example, strncpy().

This is the list of the different tokens abcNextToken() may return.



Returned when the scanner has been unable to recognize a piece of input. It is normally a sign of a syntax error; for example:

A , B,

Will report the token T_UNKNOWN  on the stray comma after the note A.

This could also be used to enrich the ABC syntax. You could, for instance, assign a meaning to '$' and being able to handle the following:

A $ B

5.2 T_NONE

This token should never been reported by the scanner. In case you get it , you can safely ignore it.

5.3 T_EOF

Marks the end of the ABC input. Any other call to abcNextToken() will return T_EOF.


A line made by 0 or more spaces (ASCII 32 or ASCII 9 characters) followed by a return. It's used to mark the end of an ABC Tune.


The end of a physical line. Normally marks the point where a staff should be broken.


An explicit request to break the line (!).


An indication that the input line ends but the logical lines actually continues (\). It may be followed by a comment (\ %...) in which case the functions defined for T_COMMENT will return a non-null value.


A comment (%....). The following functions will help retrieving the comment string:

unsigned char *abcComment(s,string) The beginning of the the comment string. Note that this is not a zero terminated string!
unsigned short abcComment(s,length) The length of the comment string.


A line starting with '#'. This may be used by host applications to introduce extended functions.

5.10 T_FIELD

An information field. The following functions will help with fields. 

5.10.1 General functions

char abcField(s,error) A code for possible errors/warnings.
char abcField(s,field) The letter distinguish the field.

5.10.2 String fields

The string that appears after the field specifier.

unsigned char *abcField(s,string) The beginning of the string with the field content
unsigned short abcField(s,length) The length of the above string

This is can be used with any field and it's all that you need for fields like T:, A:, O: etc.

5.10.3 L: Notes length

The length is specified as a fraction:

unsigned char abcLength(s,num) Numerator
unsigned char abcLength(s,den) Denominator

5.10.4 M: Meter

The meter is specified as a fraction (e.g. 4/4):

unsigned char abcMeter(s,num) Numerator. 
unsigned char abcMeter(s,den) Denominator. 

If  abcMeter(s,num) returns 0, you can check if it's a special meter using the following functions:

unsigned char abcMeter(s,isCommon) Common time (M:C)
unsigned char abcMeter(s,isCut) Cut time (M:C|)
unsigned char abcMeter(s,isFree) Free time (M: free)

If  abcMeter(s,den) returns 1, it's an ancient meter (M:3).

ABCp also accepts different meters for playing eg: M:3=6/4

unsigned char abcMeter(s,num_play) Numerator to be used when playing
unsigned char abcMeter(s,den_play) Denominator to be used when playing

To retrieve addends of a complex meters (e.g. M:2+2+3/8) the following array is available:  

unsigned char abcMeter(s,num_adds)[] Up to ten addends for the numerator of a complex meter. The first 0 value marks the end of addends. (abcMeter(s,num_adds)[k])

The meter, its numerator or its denominator can be parenthesized.

unsigned char abcMeter(s,brace) 0: no parenthesis
3: denominator enclosed in parentesis (M:2/(4))
9: meter between parenthesis (M:(3/4))
12: numerator enclosed in parentesis (M:(3+2+2)/8)
15: both num and den enclosed in parentesis (M:(3)/(2))
All other values are due to unbalanced parenthesis and, thus, meaningless.

5.10.5 Q: Tempo

Tempo can be expressed in many ways. The one proposed in the ABC 2.0 standard draft is Q:n/d=b to express that there are b notes of length n/d per minute.

The following functions help with this syntax:

unsigned char abcTempo(s,num) Numerator
unsigned char abcTempo(s,den) Denominator
unsigned char abcTempo(s,beats) Beats per minute


Older ABC syntax allowed a tempo specification that was dependent from the default note length: Q:C=120 or Q:120 means that there are 120 notes of the default length in a minute. ABCp detects it and set the isRelative field accordingly:

unsigned char abcTempo(s,isRelative) True if tempo is relative to default note length (e.g. Q:C3=40)


For printing purpose up to four beats can be specified (Q:1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8=40). The num and den fields will report the correct sum (i.e. as if it was Q:5/4=40) and the numerators and denominators to print will be in the nums and dens arrays.

unsigned char abcTempo(s,nums)[] Numerators. The first 0 element marks the end of values.
unsigned char abcTempo(s,dens)[] Denominators. The first 0 element marks the end of values.


5.10.6 r: Remarks



5.10.7 K: Key

unsigned char abcKey(s,tonic) The Key tonic:
 A-G pitch
 Z  none
 p  hornpipe
 P  hornpipe (don't print key signature)
unsigned char abcKey(s,accidental) The key accidental
 n none
 s sharp
 f flat
unsigned char abcKey(s,mode) Key mode:
  M  Major
  N  Minor
  X  Mixolydean
  D  Dorian
  P  Phrygean
  Y  Lydian
  L  Locridean
  I   Ionian
  A  Aeolian
  E  Explicit
unsigned char abcKey(s,signature)[] Explicit accidentals in the signature.
 n none
 N natural
 s sharp
 S double sharp
 f  flat
 F double flat

Accidentals are stored according the ASCII order, not the musical order (i.e. abcKey(s,signature)[0] keeps accidentals for A).


The key field can also contain clef specifiers:

unsigned char abcKey(s,clef) The clef :
 N none
 P percussion
 C alto
 F bass
 G treble
 d Doh (Gregorian)
 f  Fa (Gregorian)
 T Tablature

unsigned char abcKey(s,cleffline) The line where the clef is to be placed.
unsigned char abcKey(s,middle_pitch) The pitch of the note standing on the middle line of the staff
unsigned char abcKey(s,middle_octave) The octave of the note standing on the middle line of the staff


 Transposition specifiers:

char abcKey(s,tr_octaves) The number of octaves to transpose (+/- 10)
char abcKey(s,tr_semitones) The number of semitones to transpose (+/- 120)


Staff parameters:


unsigned char abcKey(s,stafflines) The number of lines in the staff (0 .. 9)
unsigned char abcKey(s,staves_grouped) The number of staves (starting from the current one) connected to form a system.
unsigned char abcKey(s,staves_grouping) The type of connection for grouped staves:
 |  a vertical bar
 [  a bracket
 {  a brace
unsigned char abcKey(s,space)
Defines or modifies the vertical space between this staff and the one below it.
unsigned char abcKey(s,stems)
unsigned char abcKey(s,gstems)
To force direction of notes (or grace notes) stems:
 U  up
 D  down

5.10.8 V: Voice

unsigned char abcVoice(s,id_string) The beginning of the unique voice identifier string
unsigned char abcVoice(s,id_length) The length of the above string
unsigned char abcVoice(s,nm_string) The beginning of the voice long name string (e.g. "Grand Piano")
unsigned char abcVoice(s,nm_length) The length of the above string
unsigned char abcVoice(s,sn_string) The beginning of the voice short name string (e.g. "G.P.")
unsigned char abcVoice(s,sn_length) The length of the above string

The Voice field can also contain clef specifiers:

unsigned char abcVoice(s,clef) The clef :
 N none
 P percussion
 C alto
 F bass
 G treble
 d Doh (Gregorian)
 f  Fa (Gregorian)
 T Tablature

unsigned char abcVoice(s,cleffline) The line where the clef is to be placed.
unsigned char abcVoice(s,middle_pitch) The pitch of the note standing on the middle line of the staff
unsigned char abcVoice(s,middle_octave) The octave of the note standing on the middle line of the staff

Transposition specifiers:

char abcVoice(s,tr_octaves) The number of octaves to transpose (+/- 10)
char abcVoice(s,tr_semitones) The number of semitones to transpose (+/- 120)

Staff parameters:


unsigned char abcVoice(s,stafflines) The number of lines in the staff (0 .. 9)
unsigned char abcVoice(s,staves_grouped) The number of staves (starting from the current one) connected to form a system.
unsigned char abcVoice(s,staves_grouping) The type of connection for grouped staves:
 |  a vertical bar
 [  a bracket
 {  a brace
unsigned char abcVoice(s,space)
Defines or modifies the vertical space between this staff and the one below it.
unsigned char abcVoice(s,stems)
unsigned char abcVoice(s,gstems)
To force direction of notes (or grace notes) stems:
 U  up
 D  down

5.10.9 P: Parts


5.11 T_NOTE

 Returned each time a note is encountered.

unsigned char abcNote(s,pitch) The note pitch, A-G
char abcNote(s,octave) The octave the note belongs to, -10 .. 10. 'C' in ABCp is C4, 'c' is C5.
unsigned char abcNote(s,num)
unsigned char abcNote(s,den)
The length of the note expressed as a fraction of the default length

short abcNote(s,bend) Accidentals and microtones are treated as bending the note pitch. A semitone is equivalent to a pitch bend of 8192. The image below shows a progression by quarters of tone (microtones notation is just one of the many used, there's no standard!).

unsigned char abcNote(s,bending) May have three values:
 \0 no bending
 b  bending
 p  cautionary (parentesized) bend (see image on the right)



5.12 T_REST

unsigned char abcRest(s,type) May have three values:
 z rest
 x invisible rest
 Z multibar rest
unsigned char abcRest(s,num)
unsigned char abcRest(s,den)
The length of the rest expressed as a fraction of the default length for z and x or as the number of bars for Z.


5.13 T_SPACE

White space is used to separate notes that should not be beamed. Black space (obtained with `) is used to make the suorce ABC file more readable.

unsigned char abcSpace(s,type) May have two values:
 W White (space and tabs)
 B  Black (`)
unsigned char abcSpace(s,spaces)
The number of space characters.


A spacer (y) is used to insert typographical white space in the line.


unsigned char abcSpacer(s,unit) May have four values:
 m millimeters
 c  centimeters
 i  inches
 p points
unsigned char abcSpace(s,space)
The amount of space to insert.


ABCp is able to recognize many commonly used decorations and also allows synonyms (e.g. "pp" and "pianissimo" are considered the same).

It returns a unique code for each:

unsigned char *abcDecoration(s,string) The start of the decoration string.
unsigned short abcDecoration(s,length) The length of the above string.
unsigned short abcDecoration(s,code) If the decoration is not recognized, the code is 0.
See following sections for codes.

5.15.1 Dynamic signs

Example Decoration
2101   pppp pianissississimo
2102   ppp pianississimo
2103   pp pianissimo
2104   p piano
2105   mp mezzopiano
2106   mf mezzoforte
2107   f forte
2108   ff fortissimo
2109   fff fortississimo
210A   ffff fortissississimo
210B   fp fortepiano
210C   sfz fz sforzando
210D   rfz rf rinforzando
210E   sfp sforzandopiano
210F   niente n
2110   sffff subitoffff subitofortissississimo
2111   sfff subitofff subitofortississimo
2112   sff subitoff subitofortissimo
2113   sf subitof subitoforte
2114   smf subitomf subitomezzoforte
2115   smp subitomp subitomezzopiano
2116   sp subitop subitopiano
2117   spp subitopp subitopianissimo
2118   sppp subitoppp subitopianississimo
2119   spppp subitopppp subitopianissississimo
211C   crescendo
211D   <(
211E   <)
2120   diminuendo
2121   >(
2122   >)
2125   glissando g

5.15.2 Articulation

Example Decoration
2A01   accent emphasis >
2A02   marcato
2A03   staccatissimo
2A04   staccato
2A05   tenuto
2A06   portato
2A07   upbow
2A08   downbow
2A09   flageolet
2A0A   thumb
2A0B   lheel
2A0C   rheel
2A0D   ltoe
2A0E   rtoe
2A0F   open
2A10   stopped
2A12   reverseturn invertedturn
2A13   trill tr
2A14   prall
2A15   mordent lowermordent
2A16   prallprall
2A17   prallmordent
2A18   upprall
2A19   downprall
2A1A   upmordent uppermordent pralltriller
2A1B   downmordent
2A1C   pralldown
2A1D   prallup
2A1E   lineprall
2A1F   signumcongruentiae
2A20   slide
2A22   reverseturnx invertedturnx
2A25   roll irishroll ~
2A30   turn
2A31   turnb
2A32   bturn
2A33   turn#
2A34   #turn
2A35   turnx
2A36   xturn
2A37   turnbb
2A38   bbturn
2A39   turn##
2A3A   ##turn


5.15.3 Fingering

Example Decoration
2201   1
2202   2
2203   3
2204   4
2205   5
2206   arpeggio
2207   arpeggioup
2208   arpeggiodown
2209   arrow
220A   arrowup
220B   arrowdown
220C   noarpeggio
220D   H.O. hammeringon
220E   P.O. pulloff
220F   SL. sliding
2210   W. wham
2211   strum
2212   strumup
2213   strumdown
2214   m.g. mg. lefthand
2215   m.d. md. righthand
2216 pizzicato
2217 bartokpizzicato snappizzicato

5.15.4 Pedals

Example Decoration
2401   damppedal ped
2402   sostpedal mped
2404   softpedal lped

5.15.5 Pause

Example Decoration
2501   breath
2502   fermata hold H
2503   shortfermata
2504   longfermata
2505   verylongfermata
2506   generalpause G.P.
2507   caesura pause rr //
2508   reversefermata invertedfermata ufermata udfermata
2509   grandpause

5.15.6 Percussion

Example Decoration
2301   Gong
2302   Triangle
2303   HalfOpenHiHat
2304   HardStick
2305   SoftStick
2306   MetalStick
2307   RubberStick
2308   TriangleStick
2309   WireBrush
230A   WoodStick
2326   Snare
232A   HiHat

5.15.7 Misc 

Example Decoration
2601   segno
2602   coda
2603   D.S.
2604   D.C.
2605   dacoda
2606   dacapo
2607   dalsegno
2608   fine
2609   varcoda
260A   shortphrase
260B   mediumphrase
260C   longphrase
260D   8va
260F   8vab
2611   beamon
2612   gmark
2613   invisible
2620   shead
2621   xhead
2622   chead
2623   dhead
2624   sfhead
2625   xfhead
2626   cfhead
2627   dfhead
2640   stemup
2641   stemdown

5.15.8 Decoration range

Some decoration has a "range".

Examples might be pedal duration: "A +ped(+ B C D E +ped)+ F"

or temporary transposition: "... A | +8va(+ B C D +8va)+ E | F ..."

To check if braces are present, use the following function:

unsigned char abcDecoration(s,braces) May be:
 0 No brace
 1 Closing brace
 2 Opening brace

5.16 T_BAR

unsigned char abcBar(s,type) May have the following values:
 0  Non standard bar
 1  |
 2  ||
 3  |]
 4  [|
 5  [  or  ]
 6  []
 7  [|]
 8  .|
unsigned char *abcRepeat(s,string)
The start of the bar string
unsigned short abcRepeat(s,length)
The length of the above string
unsigned short abcRepeat(s,end_repeat)
The bar closes a section that should be repeated n times.
unsigned short abcRepeat(s,start_repeat)
The bar starts a section that should be repeated n times.


unsigned char abcTuplet(s,notes)
unsigned char abcTuplet(s,time)
unsigned char abcTuplet(s,span)
In its general form a tuplet is notated with three numbers as follows:
(n:t:s with the meaning: 'put n notes into the time of t spanning next s notes'.


Each guitar chord is split into its elements:
unsigned char abcGChord(s,rootnote)
The root note (e.g. C in "Cmin")
unsigned char abcGChord(s,rootaccidental) The accidental (e.g. 'b' in "Db"). May be 'b' or '#'
unsigned char abcGChord(s,bassnote)
The bass note (e.g. F in "G/F")
unsigned char abcGChord(s,bassaccidental)
The bass accidental (e.g. '#' in "Dmin/E#")
unsigned char *abcGChord(s,string)
The start of the chord string
unsigned short abcGChord(s,length)
The length of the above string
unsigned short abcGChord(s,type) The chord type (major, minor, ...) according the following table:

01 (major)
02 sus2
03 7sus2
04 dim
05 m7b5 m7-5
06 dim7
07 - m min
08 m7
09 m9
0A m11
0B m13
0C m711
0D m/maj7 mM7 mmaj7 m+7
0E m/maj9 mM9 mmaj9 m9+7
0F m6
10 add4
11 b5 -5
12 6-5add9 6b5add9 6-5/9 6b5/9
13 7-5 7b5
14 7-5-9 7b5b9
15 9b5
16 2 add2
17 7
18 7-9 7b9 dim9
19 9
1A 11
1B 13
1C 7#9 7+9
1D M7 maj7
1E M9 maj9
1F maj11
20 maj13
21 add9
22 6
23 6/9 6add9 add6/9
24 #5 + aug +5
25 7+ 7#5 7+5 aug7
26 9+ 9#5 9+5 aug9
27 7+b9 7+-9
28 4
29 sus sus4
2A 6sus4
2B 6sus4add9 6sus4/9
2C 7sus4
2D 9sus4
2E M7sus4 maj7sus4
2F M9sus4 maj9sus4
30 no3rd 5
31 7sus9
32 add9no3rd sus9

Note that alternative names are supported. Also, spaces and parenthesis are ignored so that A7(sus2) and A7sus2 denote the same chord.

An auxiliary function helps with guitar chords. Each chord is made by three or more notes played togheter, the following function helps determine which notes are in a chord

unsigned long
  abcGChordNotes(int type,
                 unsigned char *steps)
Returns a 32 bit integer where bits are set on notes that belong to that chord. If steps is not NULL, it is assumed to be an array of at least 10 unsigned char and is filled with the notes that belong to the chord.

For example, abcGChordNotes(1,notes), will fill the notes array with the values: 7,4,0 because the major chord contains the root note, the 3rd (that is at 4 semitones from the root note) and the 5th (that is at 7 semitones from the root note). Similarly, abcGChordNotes(8,notes) will fill notes with 10,7,3,0 because the 7th minor is made by the root note, the flat 3rd (3 semitones), the 5th (7 semitones) and the flat 7th (10 semitones).


Marks the start of a chord as in [CEG]. Chord notes will be reported one at the time.


Marks the start of a chord as in [CEG]


Marks the start of an appoggiatura as in {acg}. Grace notes will be reported one at the time.


Marks the start of an appoggiatura as in {/acg}.  Grace notes will be reported one at the time.


Marks the end of grace notes as in {acg}.


Marks the start of a slur as in (C D ^F). 

unsigned char abcSlur(s,direction) The slur direction:
 \0  auto
  U  up
  D  down
unsigned char abcSlur(s,dotted)  0 solid
 1 dotted


Marks the start of a slur as in (C D ^F)

5.26 T_TIE

A tie as in C2-C.

unsigned char abcTie(s,direction) The tie direction:
 \0  auto
  U  up
  D  down
unsigned char abcTie(s,dotted)   0 solid
  1 dotted


unsigned char abcAnnotation(s,position) Position relative to the note the annotation is aligned with:
  <  left
  >  right
  ^  up
  _  down
  @ centered
unsigned char abcAnnotation(s,x_offset) Offset in the x direction
unsigned char abcAnnotation(s,y_offset) Offset in the y direction
unsigned char *abcAnnotation(s,string)
The start of the annotation string
unsigned short abcGAnnotation(s,length)
The length of the above string



Signal the beginning of an inclusion.

unsigned char *abcInclude(s,filename)
The name of the file that is about to be included. Not a zero terminated string!
unsigned short abcInclude(s,length)
The length of the above string

You may want not to include that files (for example if you're searching for a tune within a file). In that case you may use the following function:

unsigned char *abcStopInclude(s)
Prevent the inclusion of the file.


Signal the end of the included file.


A syllable in a w: field.

unsigned char *abcLyrics(s,syllable) The start of the syllable string.
unsigned short abcLyrics(s,length)
The length of the above string


An empty syllable (*)

5.32 T_LYR_BAR

A bar occuring in a w: field.



A space in a w: field.

unsigned short abcLyrics(s,spaces) The number of space characters.


Holding the last syllable (_).


unsigned short abcLyrics(s,verse) The number of the verse.


A continuation happened in a w: field. Use function in T_COMMENT to check the existance of comments.



An empty symbol (*).


5.38 T_SYM_BAR

A bar occuring in a s: field.



unsigned short abcDecoration(s,verse) The number of the verse.


A continuation happened in a s: field. Use function in T_COMMENT to check the existance of comments.



A guitar chord in a s: field. See T_GCHORD for details.


A decoration in a s: field. See T_DECORATION for details.


An annotation in a s: field. See T_ANNOTATION for details.


For broken rhythms.

unsigned char abcBroken(s,dots) The number of dots (eg. C>>D).


For broken rhythms.
unsigned char abcBroken(s,dots) The number of dots (eg. C<<D).


Extended field (%%...).

unsigned char *abcXField(s,key_string) The start of field key string (e.g. MIDI in %%MIDI).
unsigned short abcXField(s,key_length) The length of the above string
unsigned char *abcXField(s,val_string) The start of field value string (e.g. A4  in %%papersize A4).
unsigned short abcXField(s,val_length) The length of the above string
unsigned short abcXField(s,key) The numeric code for the key (or 0 if key is not recognized):

1881 papersize
1882 propagate-accidentals
1883 score staves
1884 writeout-accidentals
1885 deco
1886 postscript
1901 barnumbers
1902 barsperstaff
1903 measurefirst
1904 measurenb
1905 setbarnb
1A01 lineskipfac
1A02 maxshrink
1A03 parskipfac
1A04 sep
1A05 scale
1B01 continueall
1B02 exprabove
1B03 exprbelow
1B04 freegchord
1B05 musiconly
1B06 measurebox
1B07 graceslurs
1B08 infoline
1B09 landscape
1B0A oneperpage
1B0B printtempo
1B0C stretchlast
1B0D stretchstaff
1B0E vocalabove
1B0F withxrefs
1B10 writehistory
1C01 botmargin
1C02 composerspace
1C03 indent
1C04 infospace
1C06 leftmargin
1C07 musicspace
1C08 pageheight
1C09 pagewidth
1C0A partsspace
1C0B rightmargin
1C0C staffsep
1C0D subtitlespace
1C0E sysstaffsep
1C0F textspace
1C10 titlespace
1C11 topmargin
1C12 topspace
1C13 vocalspace
1C14 wordsspace
1D01 annotationfont
1D02 composerfont
1D03 gchordfont
1D04 infofont
1D06 partsfont
1D07 subtitlefont
1D08 setfont-1
1D09 setfont-2
1D0A setfont-3
1D0B setfont-4
1D0C tempofont
1D0D textfont
1D0E titlefont
1D0F vocalfont
1D10 wordsfont
1E01 center
1E02 text
1E03 abc-copyright
1E04 abc-version
1E05 abc-creator
1E06 abc-charset abc-encoding
1E07 abc-include include
1E08 abc-edited-by
1F01 begintext textbegin
1F02 endtext textend
1F03 newpage
1F04 vskip


For creating layers within a voice (&).


For creating layers within a voice ( &( ).


For creating layers within a voice ( &) ).
Example:   | A B &( C D & E  F &) |


For creating layers within a voice (&&).


For creating layers within a voice ( &&( ).


For creating layers within a voice ( &&) ).

6. Builiding ABCp library

6.1 Makefile


6.2 Strings

ABCp is able to recognise and return unique codes for many strings used in the ABC syntax. In some case the usefulness of this has been challenged.

 For example, if you are using ABCp to create MIDI files, you are not interested in instructions like topmargin or setfont-1, having those string included in the library is nothing but a waste of space.

The strings.c file contain a mechanism to exclude sets of strings. If this is the case you can add -- EXCLUDE :PRINT: at the beginning of strings.c and those strings won't be included in the library.

6.3 yrx

To ease the creation of ABCp, I wrote a tool to match  regular expression based on the public domain regular expression package by Yigit Ozan.

You can find it in the tools directory.

Remo Dentato Last update: 01 Sep 2005 Document made with Nvu  OSI certified Logo